Tuesday, August 28, 2012

College Year #3

Welp, its my junior year at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln! Love this place! It feels great to be back in the big city even though I definitely love the country way more!

I am into my second week already which just seems crazy that school has already started, but the outlook for the semester looks pretty good. I am fairly excited about all of my classes as they definitely interst me.

Fall 2012 Classes:
AECN 201- Farm and Ranch Management with Dr. Hanson
ASCI 330- Animal Breeding with Dr. Nielsen
ASCI 300B- Livestock Judging with Mr. Ellicott and Mr. Nordhausen
ACCT 200- Survey of Accounting with Dr. Riley-Schultz
ALEC 417- Crisis Communications and Issues Management with Dr. Cannon

I have 16 credit hours this semester so I will stay fairly busy with that plus all of my extra curriculars:

Sigma Alpha Sorority- Treasurer/Fundraising Chair
UNL Collegiate Farm Bureau- Collegiate Ambassador
Block & Bridle Club- Member
National Junior Hereford Association Board of Directors- Communications Chair

I also have a job again this year! I am working in the Animal Science Recruitment office as office assistant!

Things I am looking forward to this semester:
- Sigma Alpha National Convention in Omaha, NE middle of October
- Preparing for becoming a part of the UNL 2013 Livestock Judging Team
- Networking more with professors and industry leaders
- Goal is to make the Dean's List (I have made the CASNR Dean's List in Fall 2010&Spring 2012)
- Traveling to cattle shows/sales/other events

I am proud to be a student at the great land grant University of Nebraska-Lincoln as we celebrate the 150th anniversity of the Morrill Act and look to Growing the Future. The Morrill Act created land-grant universities, making education more affordable to all people, educating them in agriculture, home economics, mechanical arts and other professions practical at the time of its passage in 1862. The Morrill Act successfully opened higher education for Americans who previously could not afford to go to college. Each day daily themes and events at UNL and across the state will help tell the land-grant story during the week of September 23rd through the 29th.

And lastly, just to show how wonderful being a Husker is and where it can take you, here is a wonderful video that will air as the UNL TV ad this year:

Plus to celebrate the opening Husker Football Game this Saturday, here is the 2012 Husker Football Game Day video:

Monday, August 13, 2012

Last Day...

It is bittersweet as I finish my final day as a UNL Extension Intern located in the Brown-Keya Paha-Rock Counties (Ainsworth, Nebraska). I have been so fortunate to have had this opportunity this summer. Being located in North Central Nebraska, Sandhills, and Cattle Country are truly a dream come true. I have been surrounded by wonderful people and great hospitality all summer long. Pam and Denny Bauer have been wonderful "bosses" while I've enjoyed being in the office with Mary Jo McCall and Pat Jones as well.

All of the BKR 4-H families are so gracious and took me in with open arms. I enjoyed working closely with the Beel families and Linse family with cattle, horses, cookie jars, computer presentations, and everything else.

I can't even come close to saying thank you enough to everyone I've dealt with this summer! I have been blessed with many new experiences and some that were a bit frightening, hence the wildfires.

Today, I am finishing up some things on the computer and then headed to the Ainsworth Conference Center to help serve lunch during the Brown County Showcase. We brought back all of the Brown County 4-H exhibits from Bassett for the town of Ainsworth to come and enjoy the brilliant work of their areas youth and trust me some of their projects were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

I've got my car all packed and ready to head back to college. My first stop though will be home in Minnesota for a couple of days since I haven't been HOME since June 16th!


Friday, August 3, 2012

2012 Hereford P.R.I.D.E. Leadership Conference

          Every other year, the National Junior Hereford Association hosts a leadership conference called P.R.I.D.E which stands for Program Reaching Individuals Determined to Excel. The 2012 P.R.I.D.E. conference was held in East Lansing, Michigan in conjunction with Michigan State University. There were 60 attendees from 23 states and 2 participants from Canada. It was a fun filled three days!
          The 12 NJHA Board Members, our fearless leader Amy, the greatest NJHA intern Bailey, and our mascot "Scotch" came early to Michigan for a Board Retreat. Getting to Michigan was an interesting trip for all of us. I do believe that all of us were delayed at least some amount of time, some flights overbooked which caused members to have long lay-overs, and some not arriving till the next day so the week had an interesting start. I was gone for one week for my adventure to Michigan. The Board Retreat took place near Leland, Michigan on the beautiful shores of Lake Michigan. We are priveleged to have such wonderful and kind folks in the Hereford industry. We stayed at the Edmund F. Ball family cabin which is the family of Tim and Nancy Keilty of Cottonwood Springs Farm.

Before heading south to East Lansing,
we visited Keilty's farm
The cabin we stayed at was the Ball family. You know
those great Ball mason jars? Yes, that is the family we
were so graciously associated with.
           The weekend retreat is exactly what ALL of us were needing! The weather was perfect, the hospitality was wonderful, and the bonding time was unbelievable. The weekend was not all play as we did have a meetings regarding the workshops for P.R.I.D.E (Mastering Your Agvocacy, Robert's Rules of Order, and Do's and Don'ts of Your Wardrobe), revamping our By-Laws and Code of Conduct, and writing many Thank Yous for the 2012 Junior National Hereford Expo.
          But to discuss our play time! There was a lot of it but it was so relaxing on our private beach, an adorable historic fishtown nearby for food, gifts, and ICE CREAM! I think we rode our bikes into town about 3 times a day just so Jason could get his Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream from the Dam Candy Store.
Biked to town on a daily basis. Automatic shifting
bikes were a new experience for a lot of us causing
injuries to our ankles and Brady's face!
We also played a lot of football on the beach, kayaked, attempted the paddle board, swam, jumped off the cans, soaked up the sun, buried Matt in the sand, ferry ride on the water around the area, jet skiied and tubed, ate a lot of scrumptious food, more bike rides, sat in the sauna even though it was 90* outside, nightly campfires on the beach, and became a much closer group of friends that we are definitely more like a family. I think that most of us would say that is was the best weekend we've had in a long time!!!

Intense games of football were had

Buried Matt on the sandy beaches of Lake Michigan

Scotch made a new friend while at the cabin as the entire
cabin had several cheetahs, leopards, water buffalo,
gazelle, and several other animals mounted.
Kayaks were a hit! Even used to pull us around on floaties!
Ferry ride with our advisors Bob & Jamie Goble

Breath taking sunsets every evening

Matt, Tamar, Jaime, Austin
Nightly beach campfires where stories were told
and memories were made

2012-2013 NJHA Board
Elise, Matt, Tamar, Keysto, Courtney, Austin
Jaime, Krissi, Jason, Kristin, Brady, Shleby

The weekend at the lake was simply wonderful, none of us wanted to leave! We contemplated just having the rest of the P.R.I.D.E. attendees join us at the cabin, but we did pack our bags, loaded Scotch up, took in the view one last time and headed 4 hours south to East Lansing to prepare for the leadership conference.
                       Sunday evening we enjoyed some pizza from one of the local favoirtes, Leo's Lodge, where we met up with the Junior Maine Association members that were just going to be leaving their leadership conference.
           Monday arrived and so did other Hereford enthusiasts! Monday evening was kicked off by some ice breakers, a keynote speech from Justin Ransom, a delicious steak dinner, followed by game night!
Justin Ransom from Chicago.

Mr. Ransom left me with several take away messages. He talked about how we need to adapt to change and that change is not a bad thing but takes a lot of work to get there through the right path.

"Hard work trumps talent"
"Out work everyone else"
"Don't worry about who gets the credit"
"Live with the end in mind"
"Find the one thing that drive YOU"
"The most risky decision is not making one" - as the future of the agriculture industry, we are faced with a lot of decisions
"The most powerful tool for succes is Failure" because you learn from your mistakes

NJHA Board with Justin Ransom

Apples to Apples

Apples to Apples

Wii and Xbox


          Tuesday was a busy day at Michigan State University where we heard from several knowledgeable faculty members on topics of form to function in beef cattle, food safety, meat science, herd health programs, proper processing, tagging, tattooing, and body scoring of cattle, and we also talked about evaluating cattle and judged a couple of classes while at the Purebred Beef Cattle unit.

          A huge THANK YOU to all of the MSU faculty members that helped put this event together and shared their knowledge with us: Dr. Dave Hawkins, Dr. John Shelle, Ms. Sara Wells, Ms. Jennifer Dominguez, Dr. Dan Grooms, Dr. Dan Buskirk, and Cody Sankey.

Dr. Dave Hawkins
Campus Tour Guide
Retired Professor

Dr. John Shelle
Form to Function in Beef Cattle

Ms. Sara Wells
Food Safety and Meat Science

Dr. Dan Grooms
Herd Health

Dr. Dan Buskirk
Body Condition Scoring

Cody Sankey
Proper tagging, tattooing, and branding

Livestock Judging and Evaluation
with Cody Sankey

The entire P.R.I.D.E group outside of the
Purebred Beef Cattle Unit barn

After a day full of activities on MSU campus
we headed to a water park to cool off and have FUN!

Wednesday was our last full day together as everyone would load up and head home Thursday morning. The morning started with an amazing motivational speaker, Heather Schultz of Georgia. We have used Mrs. Schultz at past P.R.I.D.E. conferences but felt it was a good time to invite her back. She was wonderful and got everyone involved while touching our hearts and making us think about our attitudes and where we want our future paths to take us. She truly believes in us as youth and encourages us to believe in ourselves and that we the youth which is 26% of the population but 100% of the future, have the power to change the world. She also left me with a couple of take away messages and I also bought her book for future inspiration!

Belive. Truth. Hope. ForGIFTness.
"You are either a contaminator or a contributor
in this world so choose your attitude."
"There is a price attached to every decision; decide wisely."
"Like, love, and respect yourself first."


          Mrs. Schultz did a couple team building workshops with us and then we split up and the NJHA Board did their own workshops. I was a part of the Mastering your Agvocacy. We discussed the Masters of Beef Advocacy program through the NCBA. Several of us already have obtained this degree but we encouraged the others to look into this 6 part program on the facts of the beef industry and how to talk to consumers about industry issues. We gave them two scenarios to think about how they would react. We dicussed how to use the facts, tell your story/experiences, share photos, and use emotions when talking to individuals. It is also important to stay calm, cool, and collected even if it boils you or they are upset and attacking you. As Matt said, "you can't fight fire with fire."

Scenario #1: An animal rights activist approaches you at he Jr. National Hereford Expo and asks, "how can you keep your animal tied up like that all day long?"

Scenario #2: Your school cafeteria is proposing to move to a Meatless Monday menu. Howdo you present your idea to oppose the situation?

How would you react in such situations???

          After the morning workshop sessions were finsihed, we loaded the bus and headed to Grand Haven State Park along Lake Michigan to going swimming, play volleyball, and visit one of the 115 lighthouses in the state of Michigan. Then, we loaded up again to visit two of our nations prestigious Hereford Breeders- Grand Meadows Farm of the Bielema Family and Ridgeview Farms of the Goble Family. After the tour of Goble's, everyone enjoyed a steak dinner and a barn dance. I was sadden that I had to leave shortly after arriving at Bielema's to catch my flight back to Sioux Falls in order to make it back to work Thursday morning for Keya Paha County Achievement day and BKR Fashion Revue.

The group at Ridgeview Farms
Last stop on the P.R.I.D.E. tour

As the week came to an end it was a 'mega fun' P.R.I.D.E. where we all made new friends or grew closer, took in a lot of beautiful sites, learned a lot about the beef industry and how to become a better leader, and were priveliged to see some wonderful Hereford cattle.

Again, a huge THANK YOU to the faculty at Michigan State University, The Bielema Family, The Goble Family, the rest of the NJHA Board, AHA Field Representative John Ments, Youth Director Amy Cowan, and Youth Director Intern Bailey Clanton on making the 2012 P.R.I.D.E. Leadership Conference a SUCCESS!!!